Debra Stuart, a Toronto freelance copywriter, and marketing and branding consultant, who has received countless accolades from clients and colleagues, and kudos from industry arbiters for her copywriting, marketing and branding contributions, continues to be honoured for her work, with multiple international awards, recognizing creative and marketing excellence.
“Congratulations, Debra. Among thousands of submissions from 24 countries, your creative scored among the very best,” stated the International Awards Judging Panel, in a letter to Stuart announcing her win.
The Executive Director from yet another international competition wrote, “Congratulations on your outstanding achievement. Your entry was considered by the judges to be an example of outstanding creativity and design. These awards are a coveted honour that serve as the industry benchmark of excellence.”
Debra Stuart said, “It is an honour to be recognized in international competitions for creative and marketing achievements in more than one category and industry.”
A brochure that drove record-breaking attendance for a national association conference previously won Stuart an award in the business-to-business category, while a provocative directive mail campaign took the prize for consumer direct marketing.